Ed Reynolds
Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice
- Master's Degree, Civil Engineering, University of Houston - University Park
- Master's Degree, Business Administration, Harvard University
- Bachelor's Degree, Civil Engineering, University of Southern California
F. Edward Reynolds, Jr. (Ed) has a diverse background in engineering and construction. Reynolds comes from a family of builders/engineers and grew up around the marine environment in Louisiana, Venezuela, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. During summers at USC, he worked for a pipeline designer and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. After USC, he moved to Houston, Texas to work in the marine division, structural design group of Brown & Root (now KBR). He earned his Master’s Degree at night. While at Harvard Business School (HBS), Reynolds worked in London, England for a Dutch marine contractor called Heerema. Post-MBA, Reynolds joined Bechtel Enterprises project finance group. His last assignment was the divestiture of an environmental company which led him to the environmental industry. Desiring more general management experience, he returned to Southern California to Applied Geosciences, Inc. (AGI) helping AGI grow from 16 to over 125 employees in a span of two years. He has been teaching at USC since 1988.Reynolds co-founded The Reynolds Group (TRG) in 1989. As engineers and contractors TRG has assessed and restored impaired soils and groundwater in California and Latin America. Reynolds is serving or has served on several Boards: TRG Mexico S de RL (which was sold in 2010), Ventana North American Environmental Fund, the Viterbi School of Engineering at USC, the Industrial Advisory Committee of the USC Sonny Astani Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, the Lay Construction Advisory Board to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, the Board of Directors of USA Water Polo, Inc., the Board of Trustees of Don Bosco Tech High School, and the Tustin Community Foundation.
Reynolds enjoys aquatics sports and coaches youth water polo. He resides in North Tustin with his wife of three decades, Karin. His children graduated from UC Berkeley and UCLA. Reynolds speaks Spanish fluently.
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Kaprielian Hall
- 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 2531
- (213) 740-0603
- freynold@usc.edu