Roger Georges Ghanem
Tryon Chair in Stochastic Methods and Simulation and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree, Civil Engineering, Rice University
- Master's Degree, Civil Engineering, Rice University
- Bachelor's Degree, Civil Engineering, American University of Beirut
Ph.D., Rice University,1989M.S., Rice University, 1985
B.E., American University, Beirut, Lebanon, 1984
Research Summary
Probabilistic modeling and computational stochastic mechanics; quantitative models for the propagation of uncertainty in physical systems; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; identification and control of dynamical systems; probabilistic multli-scale modeling.Awards
- 2019 SIAM SIAM Fellow
- 2018 International Association for Computational Mechanics IACM Fellow
- 2016 AAAS AAA Fellow
- 2013 Engineering Mechanics Institute, American Society for Civil Engineering EMI Fellow
- 2009 International Association for Structural Safety IASSAR Senior Research Prize
- 2009 US Association for Computational Mechanics USACM Computational Structural Mechanics Award
- 2007 USNACM USACM Fellow
- 2005 Teaching Award
- 2000 ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
- 1998 Other Awards
- 1996 Johns Hopkins Student Council Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
- 1993 International Association for Structural Safety IASSAR Junior Research Prize
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- KAP 254C
- Kaprielian Hall
- 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 2531
- (213) 740-9528