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Shahed Rowshan

Adjunct Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice


  • Doctoral Degree, Civil Engineering, University of Maryland College Park
  • Master's Degree, Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
  • Bachelor's Degree, Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh


Dr. Rowshan is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) with a Ph.D. in civil engineering and over twenty-five years of broad experience in transportation engineering and management. His expertise includes program management, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), civil infrastructure systems, risk assessment and mitigation, transportation infrastructure security, oversight and mentoring of professional staff, and client management. His professional background is in multi- modal transportation research, education, consulting, and management with expertise in technical, contracting, budget, planning, and policy issues.

He is a former Technical Director at FHWA with specialty in Intelligent Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicles. He has led multi-million-dollar research efforts in ITS for FHWA and major international consulting firms. He has published articles related to ITS research and Connected Vehicles. He has delivered lectures nationwide on ITS strategic plans, Connected Vehicles, 511 systems, and infrastructure system security.

He has published research in bridge, tunnel, and rail security. He has developed national guidelines on bridge, highway, rail, and tunnel vulnerability assessment and security, port security, and transit security. He has been the Program Manager for several research projects for NCHRP and TCRP with publications on highway and transit infrastructure security and topics such as transit facility explosive detection and intrusion detection.

His work includes oversight of major rail and bus rapid transit (BRT) projects nationwide to assess their readiness for federal grants and FTA reports for the annual recommendations of new capital investment grant projects to the Congress.

He currently teaches courses on Intelligent Transportation Systems (CE584) and Transportation System Security and Emergency Management (CE582).

Research Summary

* Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
* Smart Cities
* Autonomous Vehicles
* Transit Intelligent Transportation Systems Integration
* Transportation Emergency Management
* Transportation Infrastructure System Security

  • Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • KAP 210
  • Kaprielian Hall
  • 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
  • USC Mail Code: 2531
Contact Information
  • (310) 995-5025